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- I'd love to hear from you.
Your message is very important, and I will answer just as soon as I can. Please understand that sometimes I am away from the computer for several days at a time, especially when out shooting. If you need to get hold of me and need a response ASAP, please also try calling (925) 288-1461
* If you are interested in using one of my photos for any type of print or electronic use, you're welcome to send a note using the form below, or you can also try using my STOCK PHOTO PRICE REQUEST FORM.
* If you are a student and wanting to use a photo for a class project:
Students may use images from this web site provided they are for a class related project, or assignment, that involves teacher or class commentary, critisism, discussion, or grade. I'd really appreciate it if the student would contact me, letting me know which picture(s) are being used, what class they are for, and what school they attend. If this is a web based project, please include if you can a link back to my web site by including a credit line with the image. Simply cut & paste the following text:
Photo courtesy & © Gary Crabbe / Enlightened Images; <a href=""></a>
Please also check out my Copyright Information Page.
Reach out and say "Hello."

"Thank you for your interest in my work. It is most gratefully appreciated."

Contact: Gary Crabbe
Enlightened Images
Ph.: (925) 288-1461