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Ending one with a groan, start the next with a laugh

By January 2, 2008 Uncategorized

I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season. Mine was a mix of family and year-end business bustle.
I remember 2007 for many things, but most noteworthy in this arena was the huge number of times my weblog went down this fall. Those outages were due to another user abusing the shared server. So, of course… 2007 ended with my weblog going down again smack in the middle of the holdays. However, this was for a much more ‘normal’ reason. A simple 30 second restart of the Mysql server is all that is needed to bring my weblog back online. It just took my tech support 48 hours to get to the email ticket requesting the 30 second fix. Groan.

Today I took my kids fishing for the first time on our boat. Not a moment spent thinking about business. We didn’t catch any fish, but we had calm water. (Especially nice considering the storm we’re about to get here.) The seal next to our boat caught a fish, however. Btw, in case anyone wonders, I do about 90%+ catch & release.

Definitely one of the best ways to start off any new year, or new day for that matter, is with a good laugh.
Tonight is the first chance I’m having this year to think about photography. One of the first things I stumble across is a wonderfully humorous collection of vintage Olan Mills style portraits from the 70’s and early 80’s. – Can you say, “Mullet”?

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