We all know the internet lingo codes, like LOL, FWIW, IMHO, and the expressive WTF?? The latter can be kind of crude, but it’s variation has earned a place in my photographic heart. Yes, I’m referring to WTD?? In long hand, that mean WHAT THE DUCK??, a comic strip about a struggling photographic fowl, usually found in a foul mood. I’m really not big on comic strips, although I’ve had a few that I’ve really enjoyed, and this one ranks right up there with Calvin & Hobbes and Bloom County.
Fellow photographer Jim Goldstein has posted an audio interview with WTD creator Arron Johnson. Take time to enjoy a listen, and if you follow the strip via the daily WTD blog, you’ll understand why we photographers can be a fowl / foul group at times. If you get addicted, you can always show your support with a purchase of a product from their merchandise store.