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Here ye here ye hear the duck

By February 3, 2009 Uncategorized

We all know the internet lingo codes, like LOL, FWIW, IMHO, and the expressive WTF?? The latter can be kind of crude, but it’s variation has earned a place in my photographic heart. Yes, I’m referring to WTD?? In long hand, that mean WHAT THE DUCK??, a comic strip about a struggling photographic fowl, usually found in a foul mood. I’m really not big on comic strips, although I’ve had a few that I’ve really enjoyed, and this one ranks right up there with Calvin & Hobbes and Bloom County.

Fellow photographer Jim Goldstein has posted an audio interview with WTD creator Arron Johnson. Take time to enjoy a listen, and if you follow the strip via the daily WTD blog, you’ll understand why we photographers can be a fowl / foul group at times. If you get addicted, you can always show your support with a purchase of a product from their merchandise store.

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