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Taking the plunge

By September 8, 2009 Uncategorized

Picture: Tourists atop a cliff on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon near Yavapai Point, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

I hope everyone here in the U.S. had a wonderful Labor Day holiday weekend. I’m now, like my kids, fully back into the grind after our summer vacation.

Those that know me are well aware that I’m not one to just jump on any new bandwagon. This could be software like operating systems, or photo production programs, or it could be the latest audio-video gizmos. But like shrinking cell phones that were once akin to portable bricks, there comes a time when you realize you have to take the plunge and just dive in. Such has been the experience that I’ve been having processing images with Lightroom. The pain of the learning curve is starting to wear off, and I think I’m finally learning to swim in this new environment.

If you’d like to see a few more of the images that I’ve been processing, I’ve been posting some of them over on my Facebook Business page. If you’re on Facebook, please feel free to join me over there as well.

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