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Chase This…

By September 9, 2009 Uncategorized

Picture: Cal-Fire firefighters and forest fire. Courtesy: Michael Routh / Smoke Chaser Photography

And speaking of (shameless plug) my Facebook page from my last post, I want to balance the universal karma equation by giving a very selfless, and hugely well-earned plug to Michael Routh, and his new endeavor, Smoke Chaser Photography. He also has a new Facebook page, and I’m sure he’d love to have a few new fans join him and follow his work.

Michael first came to me as a consulting client a good number of years ago. Since then, he has become one of my best friends, as well as a tremendously-improved and talented photographer. But more importantly, Michael has done exactly what so many people wish they could do; chase their dreams. In fact, as a result of his pure determination and passion, he is now one of only two officially Cal-Fire sanctioned and approved photographers in the whole state of California. Even though he’s just started, his work has been picked up and used by newspapers and television stations.

Congratulations, Michael. I hope everyone will take a chance to visit his new web site, and follow him on Facebook.

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