Gary currently resides in Pleasant Hill, California, just outside San Francisco. Gary began taking pictures while attending Humboldt State University, where he received a Bachelors Degree in Social and Adolescent Psychology, and a Masters Degree in Directing, Acting, Writing, and Production for the Theater. His interest in photography began to grow after taking an elective class in Black & White, but he soon found his passion was the pursuit of color and form in nature.
“Nearness to Nature keeps the Spirit sensitive to Impressions not commonly
felt, and in touch with unseen powers.”
Oyithesa, - Santee Dakota Indian, from his book, Soul of the Indian (1911)
About the Photographer: Gary Crabbe

After graduation, a twist of fate led Gary to the studio of World-Famous photographer Galen Rowell, where he managed the Stock Department of Mountain Light Photography for nine years. Known for his industry expertise and unwavering professionalism, Gary has worked with many of the world’s best-known advertising agencies, magazines, and publishers. He has been happy to offer his knowledge and opinions consulting with other photographers, and has been quoted several times in Photo District News, Wired Magazine, Mother Jones, and numerous other trade publications.
He currently has seven published books to his credit, including:
- The California Coast (2001) which won “Book-of-the-Year 2002” by the California Outdoor Travel Writers Association
- Our San Francisco
- Yosemite & The Eastern Sierra
- Backroads of the California Wine Country
- Backroads of the California Coast
- Greetings from California; Legends, Landmarks & Lore of the Golden State and
- Photographing California; Volume 1 – North
In 2018, seven of my photographs were selected by the U.S. Postal Service to be featured as USPS Forever Stamps. It is an incredible honor to be among a very select few photographers to have some many of their images to become UPSP Stamps. My seven photos are now immortalized as part of a 20-image collection called, O Beautiful, an homage to the song, “America the Beautiful.” Click here or on the image to find out more about my stamps and the stories behind the images that were selected.

About Enlightened Images
Gary started Enlightened Images in 1993 to handle the sale of his personal photography. His client and publication credits currently include the National Geographic Society, TIME Magazine, New York Times, Forbes Magazine, The North Face, Sunset, L.L. Bean, Subaru, Victoria’s Secret, Pacific Gas & Electric, Miramar Productions, Mirabella, BrownTrout Publishers, The Nature Conservancy, The Carnegie Museum of Natural History, and pro-bono work for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Int’l Committee of Lawyers for Tibet.
His fine art photographic prints and murals are included in both private and corporate collections, and have been exhibited in numerous locations throughout the Bay Area. Gary has also conducted highly praised slide shows and workshops for groups like R.E.I., The Sierra Club, The Photographic Society of America, local camera clubs, and at Mountain Light. In addition to his Stock, Assignment, and Fine Art Photography, Gary offers a variety of other services, including Consulting, Photo-Editing, Photo Workshops, and Writing.