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Appropriate Keywords Dissertationerrated


I have ‘issues’ with keywording. Last week, while juggling multiple other projects, I had a keywording problem that cost me a few extra days of work. During this time, I was doing my best to catch-up on my “catch-up” reading.

Oddly, one item that surfaced was an article on Keywording by Dan Heller. A lot of people starting out on their professional photo careers will likely come across Dan’s writings. Many find his writing to be very helpful, although there are some long-time pro’s that take what he says about the photo biz (specifically) with a grain of salt.

Frankly, if you’re into stock photography, or otherwise building an image database, and if keywording is an important part of your life, then you should probably give it a read as well. Let’s just hope you’re not a Lemming, or don’t mind being called a Lemming. Who knows, I may be a lemming also, but trapped in the body of a sloth. My strategy: learn from the mistakes of the Lemmings in front of you. (Read: You couldn’t pay me to use Windows Vista Beta)

Fair warning; in keeping with his solution to Keep it Simple; keywords I’d use for this article, “long”.

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  • Richard says:

    I read Dan’s blog periodically but he needs to be more concise as he lost my attention a third of the way thru it. Or course when you get over 10,000 visitors per day to your website, he probably couldn’t care less. He does have some great material at times though, I went to business school and a lot of what he writes sounds just like that stuff.

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