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Photo & Keywords: Camping in Desolation Wilderness


Picture: Women backpackers camping in Desolation Wilderness, near Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County, California

I’ve been really itching to get up to the wilderness this year, and now the itch seems worse than ever. One problem I have is that I almost need many many more ‘fixes’ of getting into the wilderness than I’m able to take. This year, with several projects going on, including the recent re-landscaping of our yard, I’ve let a number of those opportunities slide past me. “Uggh”, my mind says, “must go…must go…must go”.

I guess that makes this a tough batch of images to deal with, taken just over a year ago, the images have just returned from being keyworded. Below are the keywords for this image, and while I see and read every word, the only word I hear is still, “Go!”

above; adult; adults; adventure; alpine; America; American; attraction; blue; California; camp; campsite; climate; color; colorful; colour; country; countryside; day; daylight; daytime; Desolation Wilderness; destination; distance; distant; ecology; ecosystem; El Dorado National Forest; environment; environmentalism; far; female; females; flora; friends; friendship; forest; getaway; grass; green; grow; growing; growth; habitat; hikers; holiday; ladies; lady; lifestyle; mountain; natural; nature; outdoors; outside; over; peak; people; person; recreation; relax; relaxing; rest; resting; shelter; Sierra; Tahoe; sit; sitting; skies; sky; snow; solitude; summer; summit; sunlight; sunshine; Suzie Lake; tent; together; togetherness; tour; tourism; tourists; travel; tree; trees; U.S.; U.S.A.; United States; US; USA; vacation; vegetation; vertical; west; western; wild; wilderness; woman; women

If you’re interest in trying the company that does my keywording, you can contact them by clicking on the graphic below. Use the keyword, “Bingo” to get a special 25% discount for a first order, and specially offered to readers of my weblog.

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