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Photo: No Photos!!

By August 2, 2007 People, Photos

Picture: Those Damn Papparazzi are Everywhere; Desolation Wilderness, El Dorado County, Tahoe Sierra region, California

I really like this picture. The guy in the photo (let’s call him Waldo) really didn’t want any photos taken of him. He’s just very sensitive about keeping his identity private. But since he was a part of our little backpacking group, I wanted a picture of him, but at the same time, I wanted to respect his wishes. Then, like a bolt of lightning it hit me; how to take his picture, that would not only be a good portrait, but also speak to his personal feelings. I had to coax him into this by saying, “trust me” over and over. Finally he agreed, and I got him to do this pose. It turned out to be so spot on, and he like it so much, that despite his previously expressed feelings, he actually signed a model release for me. That alone was a tremendous compliment for me. BTW – the name on the model release is not “Waldo”.

This image was part of the batch that was recently keyworded, and these are the words they came up with:

western; west; vertical; USA; US; United States; U.S.A.; U.S.; sweatshirt; stopping; stop; shielding; shield; private; privacy; person; people; palm; outstretched; outside; outdoors; obscure; man; male; identity; hood; hiding; hide; hand; forbidding; forbid; fingers; face; detail; denying; deny; denial; colour; color; closeup; close up; California; blue; blocking; block; avoiding; avoid; arm; American; America; adult;

If you’re interest in trying the company that does my keywording, you can contact them by clicking on the graphic below. Use the keyword, “Bingo” to get a special 25% discount for a first order, and specially offered to readers of my weblog.

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