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Expanding space

By March 9, 2006 Space and Science

Orion Nebula as seen from the Hubble Space telescopePhoto: Orion Nebula as seen from Hubble courtesy of NASA.

Tuesday evening was a really cool evening for me. My mom has tickets for the Oakland Speakers Bureau, and I got to attend a great lecture given by Brian Greene, author of The Elegant Universe. I’d seen his Nova series by the same name several times, and was looking forward to hearing him speak on the nature of time, space, and extra dimensions. While waiting for the talk to begin, I happened to recognize and subsequently meet Astronomer Alex Filippenko of the UC Berkeley Astronomy Department. I recognized him because I am an admitted Discovery Science Channel junkie, and he has been featured on a number of their programs. He has been one of the key leading researchers working on calculating the actual expansion rate of the universe, and the subsequent discovery that the expansion of universe is not slowing down, but is actually accelerating. Wow! – Big Stuff indeed, and a key part of our current scientific understanding.

And on another note, I spent part of last night and this morning listening to physist Lisa Randall speaking with Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM. You can see her book and others listed on my Cosmos & Science page. Then just a short while ago, NewScientest delivered a newsletter, featurning a link to an article that may crush the theory that black holes exist

Now all I need is a jelly donut to go with my coffee, and all will be right in the Universe, except for the fact that everything will fly apart until there is nothing left – anywhere.

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