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Professional Photographer Magazine Cover Photo Contest


Picture: Photographer taking a picture of the Colorado River canyon at Toroweap, Grand Canyona National Park, Arizona

Photographer at the Grand Canyon

I really can’t begin to tell you all how good it is to be slowly getting myself back into the real world, and for a chance to start getting some work done; like catching up on an entire month. 🙂

– So continuing with the photo business biz:

Professional Photographer Magazine is having a photo contest to find themselves a new cover photo. This is the official magazine of the PPA, the Professional Photographers of America, a very noted professional organization for sure. You can submit one image. There is no entry fee. In addition to the thrill of having your image on the cover, there are also a few extra prizes thrown in for the winner.

We all know by now that the good, the bad, and the ugly of these contests are all contained in the small print, i.e. the ‘terms’. Now from my read, there really isn’t too much that is bad or ugly. It’s typically in the small print that many contests will try to take over your house and first born just for the priviledge of entering their contest. It’s nice to see the PPA not trying to asset a license on every single entry, but rather just on the award winners. Here’s from their rules:

As a condition of entry you license the image entered and recognized as winners, runners-up or honorable mentions to Professional Photographers of America, Professional Photographer magazine, and PPA allied associations for advertising, display promotion, publication or other purposes in print, public displays, website, brochures or other uses to support PPA and its allied associations as may be determined by PPA. A photo credit shall be granted for any such use.

Nothing is worse than entering a photo contest, not even winning a thing, and then finding out that by merely entering the contest, you gave away a royalty free license to the sponser – just for clicking on ‘enter’.

So if you choose to enter, “Good Luck!”

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