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Ripped off – like fer’ sure!


While catching up on some newsgroup reading, there was a thread in a forum populated by microstock shooters that was called, “Ripped Off”. It seems this photographer had seen one of his images used in an editorial publication, but credited to the wrong photographer. His apparent assumption was that this other photographer had swiped his image, thereby depriving him of the sale. Many other photogs on that forum quickly chimed in with the likely more obvious cause, namely a simple mistake by the magazine. Still, the initial angst filled his original post.

So, if I have this correct, the magazine got to use a photo that could have sold for $100.00 or more, and this poor gent was feeling ripped off because he either didn’t get properly credited for his photo, or might have missed out on his $1.00 sales commission? Geez, if it was me, I’d be feeling ripped off if someone reached into my pocket and swiped the other $99.00 (or more).

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