Sea Anemones cling to coastal rocks during an incoming tide at dawn, Pigeon Point, San Mateo County coast, California
I’ve been a bit hesitant to post anything lately, as the stability of my weblog as been extremely variable, and tenuous at best. I detest the idea of posting anything new and seeing visitors come smack-dab, face to face with a big ugly wordpress error. Today was the first day where it seemed like there was some actual improvement.
I feel like I’ve been riding the tides like these anemones; when the blog runs smoothly, it’s like being at home under the waves. When the weblog starts to show errors, it’s like suffocating thru a low tide, waiting impatiently for the tide to return and ease my suffering.
I’ve been told I need to get a developer that knows how to to optimize database queries. This might as well be an alien language…oh, wait; it IS an alien language. I’ve just started asking around, but if any readers know of a php MySQL Database Whiz-guru, please let me know.
Hey Gary, check this out: free classes from Google.
Gary sorry to hear about the blog issues. I hope the problem is resolved soon enough. As for your photo… its excellent. I was taking a similar perspective image along the Monterey coast this weekend and a wave caught me. I hate it when that happens. 🙂