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SpongeGary LearningPants

By November 30, 2007 Uncategorized

I’ve been a bit out of the loop lately with the photography, mainly because I’ve been neck deep in another area. This is one of those times that I’ve had to shift my focus to learn something new, and I’ve been loving every minute of it. Unlike re-doing my backyard, which was more of a “needs to be done” issue, this new diversion came on like an unexpected obsession. I’ve literally been immersed in a new subject matter that has taken a huge toll on my time of late – aside from building the new web galleries that you’ve seen listed here under the sneak peek listings.

All of this new learning has transformed me into a proverbial sponge as I try to absorb and bring myself up to speed on many important factors. I’ve spent hours & hours cruising various web sites & web forums, reading archived threads and articles. Finally I’ve reached a point where I have taken on enough basic information to keep me afloat in a basic conversation with people much more versed than myself. But the learning never stops. My goal now is just to keep motoring on forward with this subject, but at a more relaxed pace. The time has come when I can again shift gears back to the world of photography.

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