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Time Magazine Pictures of the Year

By January 13, 2006 Newsworthy, Photos, Uncategorized

Time Magazine has put out a collection of 24 images they call the Best Photos of the Year 2005. I must admit there are some graphic images, but I was hoping to see a lot more pictures. A good collection of 100 Photos would have been nice, but to have only 24 images seems, to use a media term, too sound-bitish. They are all very straightforward photojournalism images. At the end of the flash presentation, they ask you to select your favorite. I wonder if I’ve become jaded, as not too many of images that really grabbed and pulled me in. or yanked any kind of emotional chain, the way images of the Tsunami or 911 did. But what I miss most are the powerful and evocotive images of the small and the ordinary made extrodinary.

As a postscript, how come happy images so rarely make the news?

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