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This is a test for WP v2.5

By June 17, 2008 Uncategorized

I’ve just spent a dreaded chunk of time preparing for and finally upgrading my weblog wordpress application. The move of my web site from an old server being shut down, to a new server has caused a few days of worry as I try and fix all those little things like email accounts, form actions, etc.. The biggest hiccup was that there was a conflict bug in WordPress and how it behaved with the new version of MySQL. The result that all of my posts were backwards dated, showing oldest first. In my newsreader, my feeds all read “Posted one year ago…”. Not good. Hence the required upgrade to fix the bug. The only downside? Potentially loosing my entire weblog and not being able to get the back-up restored correctly on the new server.

Well if you’re reading these words… hopefully I succeeded.

It would be great if any reader would confirm the feed is still valid and you’re seeing the new post(s).

I need a drink
…. I hate doing all this computer stuff, as I’m only smart enough to do a really good job messing everything up.

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