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Dancing in the street – kinda

By August 28, 2007 Uncategorized

Yesterday was a strange day. Never before have I been so happy to see school start. As a kid, and for mine as well, the start of school smacks us in the face with the dreaded end of summer. Yet now, as a parent, a stay-at-home working parent, life has finally turned full circle, and the start of school now brings a sense of joy and relief. Don’t get me wrong, I love having the kids around the house. But with all of the family obligations pulling my attention away from work this summer, I must admit I’m happy as a clam to have them gone during the day. Yesterday felt like a return to normal. A full day to work and catch up on projects that have sat idle for the last several months.

So what’s the “kinda” part, you ask? Well, day two of normal return to business as usual found me completely with no working email server. 90 minutes were spent phone-to-ear waiting for my web host tech support to answer the phone, and save me from the hell of muzak they forced me to hear. My patience ran out.

If you need to reach me, best for today is call, and if you got a bounced email, try sending it again tomorrow.

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