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I started out with good intentions

I'd written recently about some time I'd taken off from normal business while working on outside projects, including the landscaping of our backyard. I thought I was done, and last week was ready to get back to my normal routine. Then came the flies in the ointment. First, my idea…
Gary Crabbe
June 25, 2007

Are you from sweden…

When Friday feels like Monday.... This morning I was checking my email through my webmail via my laptop. I got the whole bunch of ususal spam, and sorted between them were realmails. Send in one technical glitch, and all of the sudden half of my messages went poof or became…
Gary Crabbe
May 18, 2007
Rants and RavesUncategorized

Photography on the Fly (Game)

Curses to the the photographer that posted this link on one of my professional forums this weekend. If only I could bill them for my wasted time spent playing a rather cool photography game, instead of doing the work I needed to get done. Oh well, life is made for…
Gary Crabbe
May 7, 2007


The nasty bug I've got in my system hasn't yet abated, and to say, it's gotten me pretty good. But it seems I also got a few of you pretty good. From comments on the weblog and congratulatory emails, a few of you didn't realize my last post was done…
Gary Crabbe
April 4, 2007

Remember 110 format film cartridges?

PRESS RELEASE:  From the makers that brought you the 110 format film cartridges, advantix, ektachrome and kodachrome, now comes "Glorychrome - the worlds best all-digital analog film for use in Kodak's patented hybrid cameras - due for release in late 1997 ." Yes, this is how Kodak plans to bring…
Gary Crabbe
January 4, 2007

2nd time in 2 years – a new tradition?

Well lucky me... I seem to be on to a sort of new Holiday tradition, and hence the lack of postings for the last week. This is the second year in a row that I've been sick as a dog during the holidays. Yesterday was my first day of feeling back to…
Gary Crabbe
December 30, 2006

Just replaced

I've just gotten through an update of my web site, the full details of which will come in another post (for those who haven't received my newsletter). Probably the most important change is that I finally replaced that decade plus year-old photo of me on the About Me page. The…
Gary Crabbe
December 7, 2006

Those pesky blank pages

Anyone who tried to visit the site in the last four - five days seems to have stood a pretty good chance of seeing a blank white page. If that has happened to you, or does happen when you visit, please be aware that this has been a bit of an…
Gary Crabbe
December 4, 2006

Those dirty rotten #@$!*#$&~!!

Un-blanken Believable!!  The plague is spreading. It seems that  I now have comment spammers spamming one of the forms on my web site. I've gotten about a dozen emailed forms in the last few days. They are semi-filled out with some options selected, and a comment that says, "Nice Site. Check…
Gary Crabbe
October 5, 2006

I wish I had a picture of….

I wish I had a picture of a Yo-Yo! It would be perfect for explaining how many times my web host server has gone up and down this week. At least 5 calls to tech support have been made during the course of the last several days. On severa instances,…
Gary Crabbe
October 1, 2006

Would you like bad photos with your article?

I stumbled across an internet discussion a few days back. It was very long-winded, so I won't bother you with all the gory details. Sufficed to say it dealt with the differences between Travel Writers, Travel Photographers, and Travel Writers who are asked to supply photos with articles they write.…
Gary Crabbe
September 8, 2006

Thus ends summer

In some crazy universe, our local school district decided to start school four days prior to Labor Day, then give the kids five more days off, so they attend classes for three days this week. So, what's a Dad to do? I took off the last five days while the kids were home, did practically no…
Gary Crabbe
September 6, 2006

Stock Photographer Entrance Fees

Someone on a forum suggested that due to the depressing state of our industry, some jokes were in order. Well, being one to offend, I made up the following. *********  Three Stock Photographers show up at the pearly gates. Peter, guarding the gate, turns to the first photographer and asks,…
Gary Crabbe
July 18, 2006

If you need a dose of inspiration

I just stumbled across this fantastic and truly inspirational story at's Rocky Mountain Regional Forum. This comes at an important time for me for reasons I'll explain at a later time. It's what you should read when doubt enters your mind, and you begin to think "I can't...". Seriously, you should read…
Gary Crabbe
July 7, 2006

Tips and tricks

For us here 'Mericans, the 4th of July looms near. If you want to try your hand at photographing the ohh ahh bang boom of fireworks, take a read of the tips provided over at the Digital Photography School. I've read a number of items by these people, and always…
Gary Crabbe
June 28, 2006
Enlightened Images

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