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Photo: Fog at sunset along the Lost Coast


Picture: Coastal fog at sunset along the rolling hills of the Lost Coast, Humboldt County, California

I just made a new scan of this image for possible use by a client, and thought this would be a good image to post today. Why? Well this last weekend I went for a family camping trip to the coast at Bodega Bay. It was just a couple day trip. I brought my camera, but it never came out of the bag; thus becoming a real honest-to-gosh vacation. You see, I spent the entire weekend under a blanket of fog, just like this. At one point, we saw a sliver of blue sky about a mile away to the east, but the fog never burned off enough for us to see anything but grey.

You can see more Lost Coast images in my online, two page North Coast web gallery.

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  • Thea says:

    Hi Gary
    This Photo truly captured me into its’s scenery. It’s so spellbinding. Wow!! We have driven by there so many times but never saw it in it’s glory this way. It is absolutely awsome!!
    How can I capture a moment like this with my camera. We were just on the San Mateo County Coastline and would I have loved it if you were there instructing me to photograph and capture the beauty of this colorful Coast. Compared to yours I guess mine are ok for an amateur but I am so hungry and willing to learn.

    Thank you, best regards from Thea, Northern San Joaquin Valley-California

    (Come and photograph our vineyards here around our town Lodi and foothills of the beautiful Sierra Mountains)

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