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Photo: The Desert Besieged at sunrise


Picture: Tourist information sign at sunrise from Keys View, Joshua Tree National Park, California

This shot was taken last month on my first morning in Joshua Tree National Park. It was 11 degrees, the wind was blowing, my ski-liner gloves were missing two fingertips, and I’d had about 5 hours sleep after driving for 10 hours from SF to Yucca Valley. A fun morning, nonetheless. After taking a bunch of straight scenic shots, and with the sun just cresting the horizon, this was one of those moments when my brain shifted from landscape photographer to editorial travel photographer.

The sign reads “The Desert Besieged” and is overlooking the valley just north of the Salton Sea, and the bustling communities of Palm Springs and Palm Desert.

You can see more of my Desert& Canyon photos in one of my online web galleries, and I’m sure this shot will eventually get added in there as well, along with many more of my new images from this trip. Subscribe to my newsletter if you’d like to know when new galleries are updated or added.

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