I promised myself that today would be the day that I’d put the first official post into my new blog. Unfortunately, it’s a few minutes past midnight, so my today was yesterday, and now it’s tomorrow. C’est laVie.
So, without further ado, I’d like to welcome my gestated baby blog into the world.
For me, this is the perfect image to start this new venue with, as it represents with graphic strength the concept of launching, and flight, and forward motion.
This also supports one of my main goals with this blog: to be able to tell the stories behind my pictures. That has always been something I’ve wanted to share with visitors, but it’s just not been really appropriate within the context of my main site.
About this picture:
This photograph was taken as part of the coverage for my California Coast book. I had been shooting at a local fish hatchery, and finished that just prior to sunset. As soon as I left that location and started driving along the coastline, I came across this guy flying his remote-controlled glider airplane on the cliff above the Pacific Ocean. The wind was pretty stiff, with a solid updraft as the force of the wind hit the cliff and shot upwards. I only took a couple quick shots; this being one of the very few of the glider plane in the air. What was most delightful for me, and with thanks to the breeze, the plane literally floated in a single spot before the nose dipped, and the glider gained forward momentum. Not so delightful, the momentum turned as quickly from flight to falling, and the poor glider sailed gently, albiet not so gracefully, to the beach below.
I know that for awhile I’ll be writing mainly to myself, but that’s with the realization that I need to have some existing content before letting this blog loose on the world. In the meantime, as real content builds, prior posts will be deleted, as they were mainly tests for various features, or in my case, building my blogging skills. Soon to come will be more fully developed pages, categories, posts, and links.
Wish me luck…