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Pickles and Mustard

By March 17, 2006 Rants and Raves

File this rant under “You know that civilization is in deep trouble when…”

A normal morning routine for me includes turning on the local news on here in the Bay Area. (KTVU) After grabbing some coffee and keeping an ear out for the weather, I usually start right in working. Sometimes I get so engrossed in work, that I forget I left the news on. But I always know when the news is over, because at 9:00 AM I hear the god-awful screaming and yelling of the Maury show. (I’m not even gonna bother giving a link.) This noise pollution forces me from whatever I’m doing to go back and turn the TV off.

So today, as usual I hear the screaming, yelling, and crying that tells me the Maury show started. As I came out to turn off the TV (and having missed the weather report), I noticed the little “announcement” in the lower left part of the screen that tells what the topic of that day’s show is about.

Today: “My Fear of Pickles and Mustard is Ruining My Life.”

I immediately knew two things: I couldn’t find the off button fast enough, and our society hit a new, even lower, intellectual low.

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