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Why have just one?


Picture: Wind Energy Turbines at Altamont Pass, California

Photo: Wind Energy Turbines at Altamont Pass, California

Why have just one when you can have twelve at twelve times the cost?

Recently, I sent a request via US Mail to our Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for a certification used for getting paid by my overseas stock agents. I sent a single envelope asking for certification to cover two fiscal tax years.

So what did I get back from the IRS? Four envelopes, each containing three pages. First was two envelopes containing identical information, followed three weeks later by another two envelopes, containing the same identical information as the first two.

In total, I got four envelopes and 12 pages to tell me information that could have been summed up in a single paragraph: “We received your request for… Processing normally takes…. If you have any questions, please call…”

I can’t believe the amount of redundant waste to impart so little information. Oh wait… it’s the government. That explains it.

Let’s see it in action, shall we: Information letter, government waste, government waste, government waste, government waste, government waste, government waste, government waste, government waste, government waste, government waste, government waste. Envelope, government waste, government waste, government waste. Postage, government waste, government waste, government waste.

What a waste…

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Richard Wong says:

    Government waste in internet lingo = duplicate content. 😉

  • Tim Newton says:

    How true! How sad!

    One effective way to limit government waste is to limit government!

    Haha! Like that will happen! 🙂

  • Russ Bishop says:

    It is amazing, Gary. I assume you’re talking about Form 6166 – I go through the same process each year. For awhile, you could actually fax them the request then they did away with that. I’m actually surprised they’re not a little more technologically savvy since they do at least have PDF fill-in versions of most of the standard tax forms.

  • Brenda Tharp says:

    Yes, indeed, a monumental waste!!!

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