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Photo: A Revisited Sunset on the Big Sur Coast


Picture: Sunset at Pfeiffer Beach, Big Sur, Monterey County coast, California

We all have them; photos that we think are good, except for the little voice whispering at you from across the the other side of your brain, “yeah, but….”. There are several things that I do to cure that nagging uncertainty, namely seek validation from others. I’ll ask my wife what she thinks, and then I’ll ask my kids. The quality of feedback I get depends on if I’ve been helpful around the house, or if the kids are unplugged. I can ask my mom, but we all know mom’s love everything. I would sometimes post the image on an internet forum like Nature Photographers Network, (NPN) and see what other excellent and enthusiastic photographers have to say.

Ultimately, what works best for me is to not see the image for a little while, and then see how I feel about the photo down the road. The image above was a perfect example. I’ve always kinda liked this image, but there was also that little voice in my ear. I haven’t seen this image for the last six weeks, but cruising through a file this evening, it again caught my eye. Now, revisited, it was much easier to know that the voice saying “Yeah, I like this” had won out over the, “Yeah, but(s)…”.

By the way, I’ll take this moment to pass on an axiom or truism that I share with other photographers starting out. If you want get an honest opinion about your photos, never ask your friends or family.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Richard Wong says:

    Definitely a keep Gary. I wish the hole in the rock had brighter highlights or something though so it looks more clear that it is a hole.

  • Sean McCarty says:

    This image caught my eye in a different way than a lot of your other images for some reason. Not that it’s better or worse than a lot of the other images I’ve seen of yours, maybe it’s the quality of light, the subtle glow on the rocks. I love it. It draws me in.

  • Mark says:

    Gary – I am curious on what your “but” is about this shot that made you hesitate at first?

  • enlightphoto says:


    To answer your question, my reservations had to do with the dark area of rock near the upper right, and the fact that there isn’t clear definition in the how in the rock wall.


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